Bobby Estrada has been a constant figure
in the El Paso music scene for about 40 years.
Like most everyone of us, we started playing
and learning with several garage bands. Bobby
was one of the first drummers I got to know and
had the priviledge to work with over the years.
I played with Bobby in "Mourning" and "Hague".
He handled the lead vocals in "Hague" while Pat
Collard kept the beat behind the drums. Some of
the other groups that Bobby worked with over the
years were: "The Night Dreamers", "Blackwood Ave."
"Liberation", "Bad Habits" and is currently playing
with the trio "Downtown Gators". This and the next
photo were taken Friday June 13, 2008 at Big AL's
on Airway Blvd.
Submitted by Sam Stephenson
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